May 28, 2008
Upgrade complete!
May 28, 2008
The populace has demanded that the mystic absorbs page lists the stats in the same order as they are in the game's menu screen, and so it is done. High-level wizard Polygon pointed out that the Shrieker's stats were wrong, so they've been fixed; also, he pointed out that Shellworm and Pickbird were completely missing, so I turned on the game, found them, and added them to the page. Let none say I've contributed nothing to the SaGa Frontier knowledge base.
May 27, 2008
The text guides have been converted to HTML (which was actually rather trickier than I thought. Fucking HTML.) and been augmented with a few links for easier navigation. I've tested them out in Opera and IE and they work just fine - if something works in Opera, which tends to be pretty picky, then I assume it'll work in Firefox too. And if they don't work in wonky weirdo browsers like Safari and Konqueror, tough beans, get off your high horse and use an acceptable program.
May 26, 2008
The armor page has been revamped and the cutesy little icons are gone, so it should load quicker now. The first column has also been turned into something I hope is more useful than it was before, as the defense listed in-game is the same as the slashing defense.
There's also been a few aesthetic changes around the site, and more overhauls on the way.
October 21, 2007
The_Masamune, international man of mystery, noticed that the Unicorn's Mystic absorb stats were incorrect, and the error has been fixed. Thanks Mas.
More good news! Oulak, king among lesser men, has graciously permitted me to mirror his Complete Monster Guide here. Enjoy!
May 24, 2007
As Polygon discovered a few errors in Oulak's skill listings, local superhero JusticeZero has graciously allowed me to post his monster skill list here as a companion to Oulak's guide. Also, some errors have been caught and fixed on the Mystic absorb list by Polygon and winterking heish. Huzzah!
May 16, 2007
Give it a smack on the butt, for tonight The SF Files is born. I'd like to thank everyone at the SF message board for their help, opinions, and encouragement over the last few days as I battled the vicous beast of HTML. I hope you find this useful!